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Dialysis travel insurance PDF Print

Travelling with the correct dialysis travel insurance is essential for dialysis users and their travel companions, regardless of whether they are on dialysis or not.

Dialysis users need to especially mindful that their insurance will cover pre existing medical conditions and that the company are completely aware of all aspects of the medical conditions - just so they can't wriggle out of a pay out if you need to make a claim.

Planning a trip away is so exciting, you can sometimes get caught up in the moment - but do take care and take the proper advice so that it doesn't cost you financially in the long run. We all hope that disaster doesn't strike - and most likely it won't - but don't get caught up abroad without the means to cover you.


  • Make sure you take your insurance documents with you - they will have emergency contact numbers on and all details about making a claim
  • Make sure your passports, visa, vaccinations and other health requirements are completely covered and up to date for the duration of you trip
  • Always ensure that at least one of your travelling companions is insured on the same policy as you. Otherwise a sick or injured person may have to travel home alone. Remember some travel insurance providers are willing to cover all the party but would exclude anyone with an existing medical condition.

Global Dialysis Travel Insurance

the_insurance_surgeryIt is worth booking with a specialist insurer that understands the specific requirements of dialysis travellers. Global Dialysis has partnered with The Insurance Surgery to offer specialist dialysis travel insurance to dialysis users in the UK.  For a no obligation quotation please visit The Insurance Surgery website here. 

There is a special on line tool to help you find the best insurance for you.

Other dialysis insurnace companies:


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