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About Global Dialysis PDF Print
Global Dialysis was set up in 2000 by Russell England, whose wife Val wanted to carry on living a full life whilst on dialysis.  Val lost her fight with chronic kidney disease - this site is dedicated in her memory.

We are grateful for the support from dialysis companies and individual centres who list their centres with us so that they can be found by you.

Our site is privately owned, commercial and independent, unaffiliated to or owned by any dialysis provider company.  We offer membership to centres that support us and maintain quality information. We have put some guidance below which will help you get the most from the site.  If you think of a question and you can't find the answer here - please let us know. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Finding your centre

To find basic information (name, address and phone number) about dialysis centres in your search area please visit the search pages, enter your location details and press "Search".  This gives you the 10 closest centres with member centres and those with highest review ratings, appearing towards the top end.

To access detailed information you will need to log in ( please register first if you haven't done this already).  Here you will see a lot more information about the centre including medical facilities, opening times, booking, email and customer care. Member centres can display their logo and images.

Rating and reviewing dialysis centres

To assist other dialysis users to judge the quality of care at a centre we encourage users to rate and review centres they visit. Please rate and review your own center too - not just those you visit when you're away.

Star rating  Give you centre a star award from 1 to 5.  5 stars are for excellent centres and 1 are for those which could do with improving.  Centres being award 5 or more 5 star awards within an annual period will be show cased in a special section of our site as a reward for their achievement. If they are members they will be able to show the 5 Star Member logo and link to their centres page on their website.

Centre review  Please write only comprehensive and constructive reviews on the centres you visit.  The more information you can leave about the care you received the better support you are giving to other users. We moderate the reviews that are left - we need to also protect centres against malicious postings. If poor and contentious reviews are left we will discuss with the centres concerned and give them the opportunity to respond. If is our aim to reward the best centres and encourage those with improvements to be made to strive for higher standards.

What else is here for you?

  • Dialysis community forum - meet other dialysis users, carers and staff in our forum.  Share stories and receive support.  This is your forum so feel free to connect and make new friends.
  • Your stories - send us your stories - the wining storyy each month will be featured and the author sent a special prize!
  • Hints and tips - everyone likes to learn from other people. Share your experiences to inspire and give others confidence.
  • Use our new "Find it" or "Book it" dialysis booking services
  • Dialysis information - things you wanted to know but may have been too worried to ask. If you think something is missing - let us know and we'll add it in!
  • Useful products and services - the best of everything in the dialysis world brought directly to you from clothes to IPhone aps!
  • Newsletters to keep you in touch
  • Holiday ideas to tempt you
  • Competitions
  • Blogs - read or become one of our bloggers! We can publish your dilaysis blog available to the global audience!
  • Become a Global Dialysis Champion in your area!

Charity support

Some dialysis companies support us either by becoming members, advertising and sponsorship - this is essential to help us keep going and develop and improve our services.  We are committed to supporting kidney charities around the world and will donate 1% of our revenue to kidney charities nominated and voted on by our users in the forum.


We offer all dialysis facilities the opportunity to become members.  Non members still have their information listed for free so that you can access it. Membership demonstrates their commitment to improving care standards and accessibility of their facilities. Member centres will appear in bold and towards the top of the searches. 

To qualify as a member they must update their data at least once a year and provide full contact details for you.   They can display a logo, website and images and can have features in our blog.  They can display our membership badge on their own website with a link to their page in the directory.

Member centres achieving 5 five star reviews in a 12 month period will be able to display our premium center logo - this is a  sign to other dialysis users that they are performing at the very highest level.  Stars can only be awards by registered dialysis users who leave a review at the same time - this way all stars and reviews can be traced and everything is open and transparent.

Search results

The search results appear as follows

  1. Member centres with better reviews
  2. Member centres with lower review scores
  3. Non member centres with better reviews
  4. Non member centres listings with lower review scores

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